A Diverse List of Clients, Each Experiencing A Land Use or Zoning Challenge in New Jersey
Our firm’s list of clients is diverse, ranging from an international chain of restaurants to national retailers to regional real estate developers to individual homeowners. Though these clients have very different perspectives, they have two things in common – (1) they own property in one of New Jersey’s twenty-one counties and (2) they’re experiencing some form of land use or zoning challenge.
Here’s a representative sample of the types of clients and issues that we’ve been called upon to address:
- A national retailer seeking major site plan and variance approval from the planning board to open a 24 hour/7 day per week location in a zone in which 24/7 operations are prohibited;
- An international chain of high-end restaurants seeking variance approval from the zoning board for lighting on the exterior signage of one of its restaurants, where the restaurant is located on the ground floor of a multi-family residential structure where such sign lighting is prohibited;
- An owner of commercial property located in a redevelopment area in one of New Jersey’s largest cities, seeking major site plan approval from the planning board to permit him to redevelop his property, inclusive of certain City-owned lots purchased contemporaneously, into a multi-family residential building;
- A not-for-profit entity seeking major site plan and variance approvals from the planning board to convert a multi-acre residential property into an equine-assisted therapy center;
- A real estate investor seeking use variance approval from the zoning board to convert a residential structure into a rooming and boarding house.
- Homeowners seeking to stop an adjacent property owner from obtaining variance approval from the zoning board to build a multi-bay garage within feet of the common property line and the clients’ home;
- A real estate investor from a distant state who learned that the contractor he’d hired to convert his property from a two-family structure to a three-family structure had performed the work without required approvals;
- A property owner seeking minor subdivision and variance approval from the planning board to permit her to subdivide one lot from her property where the resulting new lot is considered undersized by the municipality’s standards;
- A homeowner seeking to persuade the zoning officer to require an adjacent commercial property owner without adequate parking to return to the planning board for amended site plan review;
- A homeowner seeking representation in connection with multiple citations he received from the municipality’s code enforcement official for allegedly conducting commercial activities on his residential lot;
- A homeowner appealing the zoning officer’s issuance to her neighbor of a permit to build a fence;
- A real estate investor wishing to stop an adjacent property owner from obtaining variance approval from the zoning board to permit the latter to build a large accessory structure on his property;
- Various homeowner victims of Hurricane Sandy seeking municipal approvals to rebuild their homes.
Obtain A Free Initial Consultation
We would be happy to have an initial, no-charge discussion with you about your land use or zoning issue. To take us up on this offer simply call 800-417-3792 or send a message online using the form on this website.